The Monthly Medicine for July as Libyan Gold Tektite – ManifestationThis powerful meteorite is from the Libyan desert. The energy of this unique crystal is truly potent and magical. Its various properties allow for deep connection and healing on so many levels. Its medicine supports and assists you in expanding into higher planes of existence.

Creating a deeper connection to your higher self.

From this place, you can channel and manifest your higher purpose and intentions into the physical plane and into your everyday life. This scared stone also assists with connecting with higher realms and dimensions, where you can awaken to the wisdom beyond this earthly plane of existence.


Libyan Gold Tektite – Manifestation

Libyan Gold Tektite - Manifestation

Libyan Gold Tektite


Crystal Colour – Opaque yellow and gold.

Element – Fire, Storm.

Chakras – All / Crown.


Libyan Gold Tektite is a powerful Fire element stone with Storm element overtones. It strongly stimulates all the systems of the body, activates all chakras. It carries remarkable energies for enhancing the strength of one’s will, one’s ability to create, and one’s power of manifestation.

The spiritual aspect of the Libyan Gold Tektite, it carries the strong energizing frequencies of its meteoric birth, activates one’s creative energies. It’s a powerful teacher of boundaries, the right use of power, and surrender to Divine Will.

On the emotional level, it can help overly shy or reclusive individuals to be more outgoing and social. It helps one cultivate a more playful and creative approach to life.

This higher vibration stone will assist you with your manifestation skills. It will help you to receive clarity on what’s required to assist in awakening your gifts and talents so you can start walking your life’s purpose and creating your dreams. If you personally don’t have this stone you can connect with it via the picture.

It is a natural part of life and is your birthright to manifest your heart’s desires and deepest dreams here on Earth!

Gain clarity on what steps are required for you to manifest and reach your potential outcome through a Grandmother Crystal Deva Guidance Reading.

Or discover how you truly are uniquely Manifesting. Contact me for more information.

An affirmation that you can use.

I claim my rightful personal power, drawing on my recalled knowledge and wisdom gained through many lives, and I use it to manifest the highest good. 

Happy Manifesting!

Michelle x

Please look out for next month’s Monthly Medicine.


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