Monthly Medicine for December is Malachite – Healing. It is one of the most potent physical healing stones in the Crystal Kingdom. The medicine of Malachite has the ability to penetrate through layers of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Bringing healing and transformation to all aspects of your being.


Malachite is beneficial for all types of healing and holding the wisdom to transform issues on all levels. It holds Yang polarity and strengthens your ability to take action in the world. To create form from your thoughts and ideas. It stimulates the solar plexus chakra and promotes your alignment with, and expression of, both personal and Divine WIll. It drives you to create and manifest desires and dreams.


Malachite – Healing

Malachite - Healing



Crystal Colour – Green with Black swirls

Element – Fire
Chakra – All / Solar Plexus & Heart


Spiritually, Malachite reminds us that we have come here to co-create with the Universe and that fate is an illusion. It can help you to recognize and utilize your power in a constructive, creative manner. Malachite can be used as a grounding tool and can assist you in identifying the steps necessary to bring dreams, visions, and wishes into physical reality. It can assist you in helping you honoring your boundaries for yourself and others.


Emotionally, Malachite can assist you to burn through the fog of emotional confusion that can prevent you from making conscious choices. It can assist you to overcome the victim/abuser polarity and find the strength within yourself. If you have many creative ideas but are unable to organize or act upon them. It is an excellent ally if you’re afraid to use your power because of past experiences with abusive individuals. It can assist you in overcoming fear of confrontation of fear of self-expression. And it can help those who fear being seen or noticed, or who resist assuming their rightful place as a co-creative force in the Universe.


Physically, Malachite can assist in restoring your strength and vitality. after an illness and in rebuilding or repairing. Recommended for inflammation, arthritis, digestion, and detoxification. Please note: Please always seek the relevant professional, this can be used additionally.


On a final note: December will be a month where we will be releasing the past, old patterns, and that which no longer servers us so that we will begin a new decade with clarity, confidence, and new intentions for our highest path for 2020.


To find out what you need to know, heal or become aware of to move forward in your life an Holistic Guidance Reading will assist you.


An affirmation that you can use –


“I align my personal will with my understanding of Divine will, and I move forward with clarity and confidence.” 


Have a blessed Christmas season & Magical 2020!


Peace, Love & Joy… Michelle xx


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